A Dental Crown Procedure to Make Your Teeth Look and Feel Better and Stronger

Dental Crown Restoration in Fallbrook California Area

If you have extensive tooth damage and reside in Fallbrook, California, a standard filling may not work. When your tooth needs more extensive repair or support, Dr. James Moran may recommend a dental crown. Porcelain dental crowns made of a material matching your natural teeth can improve the appearance and health of your teeth for a more beautiful and functional smile. What to Expect from a Dental Crown Procedure You need at least two dental appointments to get a dental crown from James M. Moran, DDS. The first appointment involves examinations and preparation, but the actual procedure is done during … Continue reading

Restore your smile with natural-looking Porcelain Dental Crowns

Natural Looking Dental Crowns in Fallbrook California Area

We know accidents can happen that can result in your pearly whites getting damaged, affecting your smile and oral functionality. Luckily, at the dental practice of Dr. James Moran in Fallbrook, California, we can revive your oral health by installing natural-looking porcelain dental crowns. What are dental crowns? Not all crowns are worn on the head — some are put in your mouth. Dr. James Moran may recommend dental crowns to improve the performance and appearance of damaged or aesthetically unappealing teeth. But what exactly is a dental crown? Dental crowns are tooth-shaped caps placed on the entire tooth to … Continue reading

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